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The peasants:
There were two types of peasants:
   -Serfs:were completely under authority of their feudal lord.
   -Free peasants: they owned small plots of land and lived in villages,
Agricultural work:
-Crops:the main crops where cereals.They also grew vegetables, and some peasants kept animals.
-Tools and techniques:they only had basic tools like the roman plough. They used hoes to dig the ground, and sickles and scycthes to harvest the crops.
-Two-year crop rotation:each year half the land was planted with crops,and the other half was rested.
            *Under three-years crop rotation, fields only lay follow ones every three years.
           *The heavy plough could dig deeper into the ground.
           *Forest where cleared, and land was drained to increase agricultural land.

Resultado de imagen de peasants in the middle ages


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