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The peasants: There were two types of peasants:    -Serfs:were completely under authority of their feudal lord.    -Free peasants: they owned small plots of land and lived in villages,   Agricultural work: -Crops:the main crops where cereals.They also grew vegetables, and some peasants kept animals. -Tools and techniques:they only had basic tools like the roman plough. They used hoes to dig the ground, and sickles and scycthes to harvest the crops. -Two-year crop rotation:each year half the land was planted with crops,and the other half was rested.             *Under three-years crop rotation, fields only lay follow ones every three years.            *The heavy plough could dig deeper into the ground.            *Forest where cleared, and land was drained to increase agricultural land.
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The tournament: Tournaments in the Middle Ages were hosted and held on grand scales as displays of power, prowess, and skill. Typically, tournaments would be hosted by wealthy nobles who sought the prestige of backing such affairs. Were generally knights, usually armored and mounted on horseback. The events could solo or team competitions or both. Whatever way the tournament was run, the last knight standing would be entitled to claim victory and the tournament prize.
The noblewomen       Women did not have any rigths in the Middle Ages and their main role was to marry and have childrens to continue the family line.
The nobility     The upper nobility were feudal lords with castles and large estates, who acquired herediatary titles shuch Duke.     The lower nobility were knights who sometimes ownwd only their weapons and horses.
What were the three states?          -The nobility had a militarry road.          -The clergy were all those who belonged to the church.          -Most people were peasants but there was also merchans and crafsmen.
Life on a fief Feudal society was essentially rural because urban life had declined since late Romans time.      Demesne:was the land that the lord used directly.      Plots of land:the lord garanted land to free peasants.      Authority.feudal lords had absolute authority.      Toll: what merchants had to pay when they crossed land or bridges.      Village: fiefs were one or more villages
-What is a fief? In Medieval times land was broken up into fiefs. But a fief was more then just a piece of land. A fief had to include at least one village with huts for the serfs, a manor house or castle for the noble, and land to grow or catch food. A fief was not ownership. A fief was actually a loan from the king and the king could take it back.